Our Story

We farm on the stunning Hoskinstown Plains on the doorstep of our nation’s capital, Canberra.

When one of our beloved working dogs developed a food allergy, after much research we discovered that often allergies and sensitivities that we find in our pets are as a result of the preservatives, additives and fillers that are often found in commercial pet food.

We set out to create a pet food that met all the high standards that we expect in our own food, so that the fury members of our family are never missing out on the quality they deserve. Farming and sourcing only the best quality ingredients what we offer is a high-end pet meal with nutrition and clean eating at the core.

Using only fresh quality ingredients, we start with an omega 3-6-9 bone broth and add brown rice, meats and fresh vegetables to build a complete meal. Our snack range offers treats that use only whole ingredients with no preservatives. Learn more about The Science behind our work.

We are able to create a sustainable supply chain while utilising products that would otherwise be wasted or have little use. By using the fish mongers’ seconds to transform our nutritious fish broth, bone and offal that his little demand for human consumption we are able reduce our negative impact on the environment by utilizing these waste products.
To discover more about this, view Our Process.

We are proud to bring to the dog owners of Australia a pet food that we know your pet will not only love, but will also keep them happy and healthy for life.

— Stacey Allen, Founder